Port Everglades Jetty Repair (2021)
Lake Worth Inlet, North Jetty Rehabilitation (2021)
$1,200,000 | US Army Corps of Engineers | Jacksonville District – Work consists of repairs to restore the North Jetty of Lake Worth Inlet to its original profile and cross-section. The North Jetty is approximately 900 feet in length with a 2:1 slope and 24-foot crest width. Repairs require the procurement and delivery of 6- to 14-ton stones and placement of stones along the identified repair areas along with reworking of existing stones to obtain the required interlocking within the tolerances provided.
JCO Engineering is subcontracted to provide schedule development services for this project.

Retrofit Channel / Infiltration Swale B620 for Presidio of Monterey (2019-2020)
$416,736 | Department of the Army | Monterey MICC – This project included the design and installation of a bio-swale in order to promote stormwater infiltration, improve water quality, and prevent flooding and runoff. Scope included removal of the existing concrete v-ditch, installation of a cobble-lined infiltration swale with surrounding native riparian vegetation, relocation of pathway conduit and conductor, and improvements to the existing outdoor gathering area with permeable paving, vegetation, and seating areas.
JCO Engineering was the Prime Contractor on this project.

Mouth of the Columbia River (MCR) South Jetty Rehabilitation (2019 – Current)
$138,993,970, US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District – Rehabilitation of the South Jetty located at the MCR in Clatsop County, Oregon. The repairs consist of procurement of approximately 400,000 tons of 4 to 44 ton jetty armor stones and subsequent placement of those stones individually along the identified repair areas. The jetty repair activities extend from approximately Station 153+50 to Station 313+00. Thirteen separate stone classifications are used for the main jetty repair and spur groin construction. These stone classifications are based on stone unit weight, stone size and placement location on the jetty. The stone placement work is to be carried out between June 2020 and October 2024. The solicitation was a Request for Proposal (RFP). The Best Value Tradeoff (BVTO) source selection process was used to evaluate proposals.
JCO Engineering is subcontracted to perform proposal writing, schedule development and management, and to provide risk management services.

MCR North Jetty Rehabilitation (2020)
$39,865,465 | US Army Corps of Engineers | Portland District – Rehabilitate the Mouth of the Columbia River North Jetty, including repair of jetty from Station 16+50 to 98+50 and construction of a jetty head from Station 98+50 to 102+00. Approximately 190,000 tons of jetty stone was placed on the jetty root and trunk, with a size range of 3 to 21 tons. The repair template for the head has a 40-foot crest width, 1V:2H side slopes, a crest elevation of 25+ feet (NAVD88) and an 18-foot-wide toe berm at elevation 6.5 feet (NAVD88). Approximately 50,000 tons of jetty stone was placed at the head, with a size range of 7 to 45 tons.
JCO Engineering was subcontracted to perform schedule management and time impact analysis due to significant material overruns and to provide risk management services.

Port Orford Breakwater Interim Repair Project (2019)
$5,684,000 | US Army Corps of Engineers | Portland District – Repairs to the Port Orford breakwater from station 4+50 to 9+81. The repairs consist of procurement and delivery of stones and placement of stones along the identified repair areas. The size of the armor stone layer was 10 to 32 tons with a median of 23 tons. Some haul road construction, including filling large voids, was required to gain access to the jetty repair areas.
JCO Engineering was subcontracted to develop and manage the Quality Control Program, including schedule development and management, Project Specific Management Plan (PSMP) and subsidiary plans, all RMS 3.0 inputs and daily reports, as well as development and management of a stone tracking database.

$4,652,200 | US Army Corps of Engineers | Jacksonville District – Work consists of repairs to restore the South Jetty at Port Everglades Inlet. Repairs require substantial moving and manipulation of both new and existing stones to obtain the required interlocking within the tolerances provided. The originally constructed South Jetty is approximately 1,050 feet in length with a 2:1 slope and a 12-foot crest width.
JCO Engineering is subcontracted to perform schedule development and management services for this project.